対王国戦線 Facing the Kingdom
(騎士の間 昼)
Knights' Hall | Daytime
ヒューベルト: ……以上がベルグリーズ伯からの報告になります。
Hubert: ...And that concludes Count Bergliez's report.
ヒューベルト: クロードの言葉どおり、旧同盟領はすべて帝国の統治に協力すると。
Hubert: Just as Claude said, the old Alliance has willingly fallen under Imperial rule.
However, knowing him, there is no telling what manner of poison could be waiting within.
ヒューベルト: 陛下の予想どおり、旧同盟領はすべて帝国の統治に協力すると。
Hubert: Just as Your Majesty predicted, the old Alliance has willingly fallen under Imperial rule.
However, even with Claude dead, there is no telling what manner of poison he left in his wake.
ヒューベルト: 隙だけは見せぬよう気をつけてください。
Hubert: We must be careful not to expose any weakness.
エーデルガルト: わかったわ。今のところ問題なく王国を攻められそうね。
Edelgard: Of course. Though it seems we can now attack the Kingdom without issue.
ヒューベルト: は。しかし、アランデル公がデアドラに入りました。
Hubert: True. However, you should know that Lord Arundel has entered Derdriu.
It would seem he has already started collecting the Relics of the old Alliance...
エーデルガルト: 好きにさせておきなさい。今は、何も言うべきではないわ。
Edelgard: Let him do as he pleases for now. It's not yet the time to chide him.
ヒューベルト: わかりました。では王国についてですが……やはり一枚岩ではありません。
Hubert: Understood. As for the Kingdom... As we theoriz is not entirely united.
If we defeat the royal family of House Blaiddyd and a handful of other notable houses, it should fall under our control quite easily.
Those we must target include the houses Fraldarius, Galatea, Gautier, and Charon.
ヒューベルト: 我が軍には、当主に近しい者がいますから、手の打ちようはありそうですな。
Hubert: We have allies who are close to some of those lords.Perhaps that can be used to our advantage.
Persuasion by tears or threats...Perhaps one would consent to act as an hostage? We must make good use of the tools given to us.
エーデルガルト: 城塞都市アリアンロッドを押さえるローベ家は、こちらにつくはずでは?
Edelgard: What about House Rowe in Arianrhod, the Fortress City? Will they not side with us?
ヒューベルト: それが……フラルダリウス家の当主、ロドリグ卿が都市に入っておりまして。
Hubert: The head of House Fraldarius, Lord Rodrigue, has entered the city.
It is possible that he has seiz.
エーデルガルト: そう。一気に王都フェルディアを突くというのは難しいかもしれないわね。
Edelgard: I see. Then it might prove too difficult to strike Fhirdiad right away.
ヒューベルト: は、いずれにせよ、態勢が整い次第、王国方面へ出陣ということで。
Hubert: Either way, when preparations are complete, we can begin our deployment into the Kingdom.
エーデルガルト: ええ。その方針には変わりないわ。師は何かあるかしら?
Edelgard: That part of the plan remains unchanged. Professor? Is something wrong?
Choice 1: 問題ない No, it's nothing.
Choice 2: 名前がよくわからなかった Many of those names are new to me.
エーデルガルト: 師が貴族の家名などに興味を持つとは思えないものね……。
Edelgard: Yes, I don't imagine you have much interest in a running list of noble names.
But it matters not. The nobility and the weight of it all those names will be gone once the war is over.
エーデルガルト: 今節もまた、戦いの準備に奔走しなければいけない……師も頑張って。
Edelgard: This month, we must put all of our effort into preparing for battle. I'm counting on you, my teacher.
エーデルガルト: ……きゃあああっ!
Edelgard: Aaah!
Byleth: !? ...
エーデルガルト: あ、師?まさか、今の声を聞いて?
Edelgard: Professor! You didn't hear anything just now, did you?
Choice 1: 大丈夫? Are you OK?
エーデルガルト: え、ええ。何でもないわ。
Edelgard: Of course I am! It's nothing...nothing at all.
Choice 2: 可愛い悲鳴だった That was a cute shriek.
エーデルガルト: 可愛い?……余計なお世話よ。何でもないわ。
Edelgard: Cute?! Huh! Well, be that as it may, it is not your concern. It was nothing.
Choice 1: しかし…… Are you sure about that?
エーデルガルト: 何でもないと言っているでしょう。
Edelgard: I told you it was nothing and I meant it.
Choice 2: 可愛い悲鳴だった Really, very cute...
エーデルガルト: 可愛い?余計なお世話よ。
Edelgard: You seem to be trying your hardest to infuriate me.
エーデルガルト: しつこいわね。それ以上、やめて。
Edelgard: Don't you dare say that again!
エーデルガルト: ただちょっと……鼠が出ただけ。少しだけ、苦手なのよ。
Edelgard: It's just... Well, there was a rat. I don't enjoy the company of rats.
I believe I've told you about this before...about when I was held captive beneath the palace.
There were a lot of rats there. To this day, I just...
Byleth: あれは…… What's that?
エーデルガルト: !!!
それと私、着替えたいから……とにかく、こっちを見ないで! お願い!
Edelgard: What?!
Oh! Professor! Leave here at once!
I recall now that Hubert needs to speak with me.
I must change my clothes. Now. Whatever you do, don't look this way.
Byleth: もう見てしまった…… I already saw it...
エーデルガルト: なら今すぐ忘れて!忘れなさい! 勅令よ!
Edelgard: Aah! Then forget what you saw! That's an order!
Byleth: ………………。 ...